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LINQ programming model

LINQ is a programming model that introduces queries as a first-class concept into any Microsoft .NET language. However, complete support for LINQ requires some extensions in the language used. These extensions boost productivity, thereby providing a shorter, meaningful,and expressive syntax to manipulate data.

Following is a simple LINQ query for a typical software solution that returns the names of customers in Italy:
var query =
from c in Customers
where c.Country == "Italy"
select c.CompanyName;

Do not worry about syntax and keywords (such as var) for now. The result of this query is a
list of strings. You can enumerate these values with a foreach loop in C#:

foreach ( string name in query ) {
Console.WriteLine( name );

Both the query definition and the foreach loop just shown are regular C# 3.0 statements. At
this point, you might wonder what we are querying. What is Customers? Is this query a new
form of embedded SQL? Not at all. The same query (and the following foreach code) can be
applied to an SQL database, to a DataSet, to an array of objects in memory, or to many other
kinds of data. Customers could be a collection of objects:

Customer[] Customers;
Customers could be a DataTable in a DataSet:
DataSet ds = GetDataSet();
DataTable Customers = ds.Tables["Customers"];

Customers could be an entity class that describes a physical table in a relational database:
DataContext db = new DataContext( ConnectionString );
Table Customers = db.GetTable();
Finally, Customers could be an entity class that describes a conceptual model and is mapped to
a relational database:
NorthwindModel dataModel = new NorthwindModel();
ObjectQuery Customers = dataModel.Customers;

As you will see, the SQL-like syntax used in LINQ is called a query expression. Languages thatimplement embedded SQL define only a simplified syntax to put SQL statements into a different language, but these statements are not integrated into the language’s native syntax and
type system. For example, you cannot call a function written using the host language in the middle of an SQL statement, although this is possible in LINQ. Moreover, LINQ is not limited to querying databases, as embedded SQL