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Database Objective Question (61-70)

Question 61
Which of the following are reasons to choose SQL Server 2000? Choose all that apply.

A) Internet integration
B) Scalability and availability
C) Enterprise-Level Database features
D) Data warehousing

Question 62
You were recently hired to oversee the installation of SQL Server to support a new accounting
package for a small business. The company is cost-conscious, so you need to make a conservative
recommendation about where to install SQL Server in the company's existing structure. Which of
the following makes the best choice to support SQL Server?

A) Dual-processor machine with 512MB memory currently acting as an Exchange server
B) A single-processor 800MHz Pentium with 256MB memory currently acting as a Primary Domain Controller.
C) A spare Pentium 90MHz laptop with 128MB of memory
D) Pentium 1GHz machine with 512MB memory recently purchased to replace the president's workstation

Question 63

How is a NOT NULL column added to an existing table?

A) By using the ALTER TABLE statement.
B) Dropping and recreating the table.
C) By using ALTER TABLE to add a nullable column, and then using sp_changenull to change the column's NULL option.
D) By using the sp_addnullablecolumn system stored procedure.

Question 64
Omitting the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement has what effect?

A) All rows in the specified table are affected.
B) The query returns an error because the WHERE clause is required.
C) Only the current row is affected.
D) Only the rows with the correct data type are affected.

Question 65
What statement could you use in the WHERE clause to select all the rows in a table where no
price is defined?

B) WHERE price IS < 0
C) WHERE price != 0

Question 66
Consider the following table and trigger definitions: Table1: UserID int IDENTITY FirstName char(50)
LastName char(50) DepartmentID int BillingID int CREATE TRIGGER Table1_InsertUpdate ON Table1
FOR INSERT, UPDATE AS BEGIN IF UPDATE(DepartmentID) IF (Select count(*) from Table1 inner join
Deleted on Table1.DepartmentID = deleted.departmentid) = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR
('Cannot remove the last member from a department.', 16, 1) ROLLBACK END END Assuming that this
is the only trigger bound to the table, is it possible for the last member of a department to
be deleted?

A) No; the trigger prevents that from happening.
B) Yes; the trigger has not been activated yet.
C) Yes, if a new record is inserted on top of the existing one.
D) Yes, by using the DELETE command.

Question 67
Referential integrity refers to what?

A) The enforced uniqueness of a row in a table
B) The enforced uniqueness of a column in a table
C) Ensuring that a Foreign Key attribute cannot be NULL
D) The enforced synchronization of Primary Key and Foreign Key values

Question 68
Barney wrote this stored procedure to manage inserts to his Sales table:
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertSale @SalesPersonID int, @ProductID int, @Quantity int, @CustomerID int
AS If @Quantity > 0 Insert Sales (SalesPersonID, ProductID, Quantity, CustomerID) VALUES
(@SalesPersonID, @ProductID, @Quantity, @CustomerID) else RAISERROR
('Unable to enter negative or 0 quantity into Sales table.', 16, 1) GO What does the
RAISERROR statement do?

A) The RAISERROR will cause the row to not be inserted into the database.
B) It provides feedback to the calling application so it can diagnose why the insert failed.
C) It will cause SQL Server to shut down because a severity 1 error occurred.
D) It will do nothing.

Question 69
SQL Sever maintains what types of information about a column in the table definition?

A) Name, NULL option, and constraints
B) Name, data type, and NULL option
C) Name, data type, NULL option, and bytes of overhead.
D) Name, data type, NULL option, and constraint information

Question 70
DTS Package Designer tasks can be set to run in what ways? Choose all that apply.

A) On completion
B) On failure
C) On error
D) On success